Sponsoring OPERALIA
If you are interested in sponsoring OPERALIA 2003, please contact
OPERALIA offers his sponsors
- worldwide media
- concert with the winners
- gala with the winners and Plácido
- complimentary tickets
- audio-/video broadcast
- press conferences
- diner reception with the winners and Plácido Domingo
- organization of special events for customers
- presentation in the venue
- licence to advertise with Operalia logo
- sponsor logo on all printed matters
- full page advertisement in the programme
If you are interested in sponsoring OPERALIA 2003, please contact
The Sponsors
(1993 - 2002)
The contribution of private sponsors is neccessary to make OPERALIA
possible. The below listed companies and organizations were the sponsors
for the past years.
Sponsors 2002 - Paris
Sponsors 2001 - Washington D.C.
- Mr. Alberto Vilar
- Rolex Watch USA - corporate sponsor of Operalia 2001
- General Dynamics
- Spanair - official airline of Operalia 2001
- Mr and Mrs José Francisco Serrano and Mr and Mrs Alejandro
Soberón Kuri - Prize of the Public
- CulturArte de Puerto Rico - Tenor Prize
- Goveronor and Mrs Miguel Aleman - Sponsor
Sponsors 2000 - Los Angeles
- Mr. Alberto Vilar
- Porcelanosa (Spain)
- Rolex Watch U.S.A. Inc.
- Rosemary & Milton Okun
- Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- Nicolas Arfan Jewelers (Paris)
- Lufthansa Airlines
- United Airlines
- UCLAarts - School of the Arts and Architecture at UCLA
- Double Tree Hotel Los Angeles - Westwood
- Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel
- US Bank
Sponsors 1999 - Puerto Rico
- Banco Gubernamental de Fomento
- Barros & Carrión, Inc.
- Coca-Cola PR Bottlers
- Compania de Augas de Puerto Rico
- Compaq Computers
- Doral Financial Corp.
- GM Group, Inc
- Joyeria Riviera
- Mont Blanc
- Oggetti
- Puerto Rico Telephone Company
- Trans Union de Puerto Rico, Inc.
- Visa International
- Xerox
Sponsors 1998 - Hamburg
- Arfan Paris
- Chanel
- Clarins
(Prix du Public)
- Lufthansa
- Montblanc
- Mutual Trust Network
- Philharmonie der Nationen
Sponsors 1997 - Tokyo
- Akasaka Tokyu Hotel
- Alitalia
- Amigos de Plácido Domingo
- Asahi Breweries Ltd. (Prix du Public)
- Samrat
- Seven Seas Club
- Studio Italiano
Sponsors 1996 - Bordeaux
- Académie du Vin de Bordeaux
(Prix du Public)
- Aerospatiale
- Bayern Automobiles
- Cochery Bourdin Chausse
- Comité des Banques de Bordeaux
et de la Gironde
- Dumez GTM
- Framatome
- France Telecom
- Socae Atlantique
Sponsors 1995 - Madrid
- Telefonica
- Movistar (Prix du Public)
Sponsor 1994 - Mexico City
Sponsors 1993 - Paris
- Les Parfums Givenchy
- Le Laboratoire Janssen
- La Société Kayserberg
- LHotel Bristol