Press Service

Aug. 14, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003

    OPERALIA-World Opera Contest Plácido Domingo
    Sieben glanzvolle Sieger

Aug. 14, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003
    Press Release

    OPERALIA-World Opera Contest Plácido Domingo
    Seven outstanding winners

Jul. 18, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003

    OPERALIA-World Opera Contest Plácido Domingo
    Die Semifinalisten stehen fest

Jul. 18, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003
    Press Release

    OPERALIA-World Opera Contest Plácido Domingo
    The Semi-Finalists are chosen

Feb. 12, 2003

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Plácido Domingo dirigirá en el Chatelet concierto de laureados

Jan. 14, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003
    Press Release

    Plácido Domingo’s Operalia 2003 Comes to the International Lake Constance Region

Jan. 3, 2003       

  • OPERALIA 2003

    Plácido Domingo fördert junge Gesangstalente: OPERALIA 2003
    Plácido Domingos Gesangswettbewerb rund um den Bodensee

Dec. 13, 2002 

Dec. 4, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Palm Beach Post
    Sharon McDaniel
    My, how Matz's voice has grown

June 27, 2002

June 26, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Le Monde
    Marie-Aude Roux
    Quelques voix de demain en lice au 10e Concours Placido Domingo

June 25, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Frank Cadenhead
    Operalia Winners Share Prizes

June 24, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Press Release
    An Italian and a Russian Singer Share Top Prize at Plácido Domingo's 2002 Operalia Competition

June 24, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Press Release
    Placido Domingo a annoncé samedi soir le palmarès du Concours Opéralia 2002 : Deux chanteuses, l'une italienne, l'autre russe remportent le premier prix du concours de Voix d'Opéra Opéralia 2002 – Placido Domingo

June 22, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Placido Domingo présente son dixième concours Opéralia.
    «Difficile de trouver des voix verdiennes et wagnériennes»

June 20, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2002
    Press Release
    Finalists Are Selected for Plácido Domingo's
    Tenth Operalia Competition

Jan 21, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2001
    The Washington Post
    Operalia: Placido Domingo And His Prize-Winning Proteges

Jan. 19, 2002

  • OPERALIA 2001
    The Washington Times
    New generation finds voice in OPERALIA

Oct. 18, 2001

Oct. 10, 2001

Oct. 8, 2001

Dec. 18, 2000

Sept. 7, 2000

Sept. 7, 2000

  • OPERALIA 2000
    Orange County Register
    Operalia first prize goes to soprano

Sept. 6, 2000

Sept. 4, 2000

Aug. 27, 2000

  • OPERALIA 2000
    Los Angeles Times
    Young Voices Tested, Then Nurtured

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